Lieutenant JG Garaht
Name Garaht
Position Security Officer
Rank Lieutenant JG
- 1 Mission Posts
- 1 Personal Logs
Last Post
Fri May 14th, 2021 @ 4:37am
Character Information
Gender | Male | |
Species | Horta | |
Age | 128 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 3' | |
Weight | 300 lbs | |
Physical Description | A horta from Janus VI |
Spouse | None | |
Children | None | |
Mother | Mother Horta |
Personality & Traits
Personal History | Born Janus VI, 2267. Joined Starfleet, January 2277. Left Janus VI because he would tunnel to the surface so he could see the world above. Listened to the human miners and decided to stow away as part of an ore shipment. Headed to Terra and asked to join Starfleet so he could learn more about the Federation. He found Terra to be noisy, but the rock was delicious. He first joined as a Geologist and found it was to easy a field, and no challenge to learn anything new. Switched to Security when an Away team was attacked and he was not seriously injured by Phaser fire. Has been known to burn through deck material instead of using lift tubes. He is able to distinguish what areas to burn away so as to not hamper the ship's functions. |
Service Record | Joined Starfleet January 2277. Has served aboard many vessels in the fleet. Kept getting busted back to Ensign for damaging Starfleet property; namely deck plating onboard ship or station. |