The Sunset Clause
Posted on Thu Mar 6th, 2025 @ 5:25am by Doctor Teagan Ceja
934 words; about a 5 minute read
Set: shortly after the events of "The Golden Songbird."
"He's been wanting me to say "Hello Sweetie" since I got aboard..."
She closed her eyes.
I'll never hear him say that again, she thought, holding onto the edge of a piece of furniture as though it were the only lifeline she had left.
I'll never hear his laugh. Watch him wave his hands around as he explained the newest discovery. Drogan is gone.
Her legs suddenly gave out, and she curled onto her side in her darkened quarters. Wrapping her arms around her head, she ruthlessly shoved her emotions back behind the wall that kept her secrets safe.
Her specialized training to keep her emotions and thoughts hidden had remained impassable. It would remain impenetrable until she decided otherwise.
Riya Aklar deserved nothing less.
Riya deserved a happy and strong bond with Aklar. And Aklar deserved a happy and strong bond with Riya.
Teagan Ceja remained on the floor for a long, long time. She did not weep for the man she loved. She did not weep for the opportunities that would never happen. She did not weep at all. Instead, she fought against her grief and to keep it behind the walls carefully constructed in her mind. She fought so hard that she did not hear her door open.
The hands that brushed her hair back from her face were gentle.
"Come now," said TJ softly, "this won't do at all."
Teagan didn't reply. She wasn't actually sure she could find words, let alone make her mouth work properly. TJ... of all people, it had to be TJ.
"Alright then, let's try something else. Aoife, if you would be so kind."
The hands that picked her up were familiar, and strong. They carried her to her bed, and laid her down with a sort of soft flump. Aoife patted her shoulder.
"Now then Mother," she said. "Don't tha' be greeting too long, or else Nasir will be in here with one of his potions."
Aoife tucked a soft throw around Teagan's legs. She nodded to TJ.
"I'll set privacy. Don't want just anyone breaking in here," Aoife muttered. "Not without asking us first anyway. She ain't going to want anyone to know. I ain't too sure how you even knew."
"I felt her crack," TJ said mildly. "Just a tiny bit. She's so tightly shielded that I doubt even Cassandra felt anything, and Cassandra is the most sensitive empath I've ever encountered. My training is... different. And one day very soon, Aoife Duffy, you're going to have to explain 'Mother' when I am absolutely sure you are not related at all."
Aoife shrugged. "'Tis a long tale to be told, and it ain't all mine."
Teagan didn't care. It was bad enough that they were here. Bad enough that she hadn't been able to keep this secret. Mortifying to be found like this by TJ.
A moment later, the door to her quarters slid open, then closed again.
TJ propped herself up on the bed, legs stretched out beside Teagan's. She kept a hand on Teagan's arm.
Hours went by in silence. Teagan slept, eventually. TJ did not. Other than to inform sickbay that both she and Teagan were busy, and would not be on duty for the next shift or two, TJ remained silent.
"What time is it?" Teagan asked, her voice sounding a little raspy. She felt like she needed to soak away aches she didn't know she had. She also felt itchy in her skull. "And stop doing whatever you're doing in my head. I don't like it."
"Me? If I was doing anything, I'd be in there with big boots on, knocking over the china. I don't do sneaky head stuff with people I actually like." TJ sounded huffy, like this was an affront to her dubious morals and ethics. "I do it with people I dislike immensely so I get to laugh at them when I'm done."
"But you are going to have to talk to me now," she continued. "After I get you something to drink."
Teagan uncurled herself, rubbing her head right behind her ears. She rolled over and sat up. Then wished she hadn't, remembering how she'd acted the night before. Day before. Whenever it was before.
TJ handed her a glass of water.
"So. How much time do you want off the ship?" TJ asked.
Off the ship? That was an option? Teagan sipped the water. That was never an option. There was always something that had kept her attached to this crew. Off the ship seemed like a dream. The last time she'd been off the ship for a long time, Romulus blew up.
"I don't know," she replied. "And can you ask Cassandra to stop doing whatever she's doing in my head?"
"Psiam has this thing he wants you to do. It involves going back to your homeworld. You need to return to Ithron. Cassandra isn't doing anything."
"My world is called Nancedden, not Ithron."
TJ sighed the sort of sigh that someone makes when they've been told something incredibly stupid. "It wasn't always called Nancedden. Typical colonist thinking. Psiam wants you to go back for a while."
"How long?"
"As long as it takes. Don't tell anyone that you're going."
"But Ja.."
"Anyone." TJ interrupted.
TJ leaned over and kissed Teagans forehead.
"If it helps, this is an order," she said. "Psiam says that there's something in your blood you need to find. None of us are doing anything inside your head. Go home Teagan Ceja, and find out who is."