USS Potemkin NCC-76927-C

Whispered Words

Posted on Wed Oct 16th, 2024 @ 1:35am by Commander Tamarra James & Commander Jayla Rollands

734 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Sim Logs
Location: The Thunderchild, The Potemkin
Timeline: The Schism
Tags: Coalition Fleet, Starfleet,

A joint Log between Tamarra James, and Jayla Rollands. Thanks Jayla!

TJ sat at her desk, and checked the time. She pulled out a small grey box, and tapped it three times on each side. Useful little beastie this thing, it would prevent her communication from being tracked by anyone, including the Thunder Bird.

"Computer, initiate Protocol Tamarra James; A rolled up copy of the times."

"Protocol initiated," replied a soft voice from the grey box. "Secure communications are now open. Diversion from regular communications in three, two, one."

Now to see if Jayla, was able to talk tonight. TJ was early, but could wait.

Quietly, Jayla slipped into the room she'd called home for quite a while now. Although she'd hoped it wouldn't be as long as it had been, she'd made the best of it.

Stopping by the full-length mirror, she sighed at her appearance, and the junior grade pips on her collar. It still felt off after all this time.

Double-checking that her roommate was indeed on duty and not in the room, she slid over to her desk and pulled out a small box. After tapping the sides carefully, she sat down and once more checked to see if anyone was around.

"Computer, initiate protocol JR; private screening."

"Protocol initiated. Secure communications are now open. Diversion from regular communications in three, two, one."

Jayla did wish she'd been able to use her name, but didn't want to chance anyone picking up on it. JR had been the best she'd been able to come up with.

On The Potemkin, she was known as Lila Harley, from engineering. But tonight, she would somewhat be able to be herself, at least in speaking. She now had hoped that Tamarra was there as planned tonight.

The boxes buzzed. Once. Twice. Three times. She was there. TJ's eyes closed for a brief moment in relief.

"I'm here," she said. "Please confirm identity. Who did you spend a night with during a cave-in?"

Jayla let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding. Hearing the voice on the other side gave her a small sense of relief.

She waited for the reply. If it wasn't Jayla, she would destroy both boxes immediately, and report that they had lost contact. And then hope.

"Doctor Arnet, and the wine...why that question this time?"

"Can't be too careful. Report first. Personal check in after, OK?"

Rollo smirked, "As always. Biggest part: they haven't found me yet. Or have any thoughts something or someone is amiss."

"Good. Let's keep it that way. How is the overall feeling with the crew? We know that the officer considers us traitors, and the Coalition an enemy. But what do the people think?"

"Trying not to ask too much but, I have been listening. Anyone close to the command crew seems set on their mindset that we're traitors. Some of the others though? They were sort of just thrown into things and aren't sure what to think." There was a soft sigh. "There are a lot who just want this to end. It sounds like there are families that are split up, not by their own choice."

TJ nodded again. "I don't know if that's good news, or bad news," she said after a moment. "But it's proof of yet more fractures inside the Federation."

The box on her desk vibrated once. Time to say goodbyes, and set up the next check in.

"We're about out of time. Stay safe. Keep hidden. And keep doing what you're doing. We will come to get you and Darwin, that's a promise."

Looking at the box on her own desk, Jayla nodded. "We're doing our best without being suspicious. I'll let Darwin know we've spoken as well. I hope things don't start to get dicey here. But, if they do, I'll get word out."

"I'll let James know you are holding up. Next week, same day and time?" It wouldn't do to make too much of a pattern, but Jayla had to keep hidden, and if that was when she was free, then that would do.

She paused, and then added, "Stay safe. It feels like things are too quiet."

A moment later, the screen was blank. TJ put the little box away in its own protective box. It was all getting too tight, she could feel it. Something was going to break, and soon.



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