USS Potemkin NCC-76927-C
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Family Healing

Posted on Fri Sep 20th, 2024 @ 6:30pm by Lieutenant Anya Bagh & Ensign Henry Ivo
Edited on on Fri Sep 20th, 2024 @ 6:31pm

1,077 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Sim Logs
Location: sickbay, USS Thunder Child
Timeline: Thursday, October 5, 2400, 1200 hours

Anya laid in the biobed, letting the nurses and doctors fuss on her. For once, she didn't complain and let them work, cooperating for whatever they needed. Her shoulders were dislocated, bone material taken, and many scrapes and bruises all over her body. She would be here for a few hours at least.

She over exerted herself trying to save Loryll and she would do it again in a heartbeat. Even if he didn't turn out to be her father, he saved her. She looked to his bed, which happened to be right next to hers. She looked at his grey features, for once not seeing them in pain.

Her attention was diverted by a familiar voice. “Mom!” Sean came running up to her, Henry not far behind. He clearly wanted to launch himself into her arms, but Henry put a hand on his shoulder, reminding him softly of what they’d talked about.

“SuvwI'Hom,” she smiled as she held her arms open to Sean. “I'm so happy to see you both.” She looked up to Henry, reaching for him too.

Neither of them hesitated, and Sean climbed onto the biobed with her while Henry hugged them both, hard. Henry was trying to hide it from Sean, but Anya still felt a tear hit her shoulder.

Anya held them tight too. “I'm ok. Thanks to Rosa, Ceja, and Loryll.” Anya held them for a few minutes, she kissed Sean's head and squeezed Henry's hand.

“I love you, Anya.” Henry informed her, finally letting go to sit on her other side, holding her hand.

“I love you too, Henry.” She smiled as she cuddled Sean in one arm and squeezed Henry's hand gently. “You saved me, you know.”

Henry looked embarrassed. “You'd do the same for me.”

“I'm glad you could read my note.” She smiled warmly at Henry. “Loryll was able to add to it too. He's my creator, well one of them.”

Henry glanced at the unconscious Cardassian, and back at Anya. “...he claimed to be your father.” He noted, noncommittally.

“Either way, I wouldn't be alive if it weren't for him. He challenged Julian. He literally took a beating or more because I wouldn't cooperate with that monster.” She held Sean protectively.

Henry squeezed onto the bed with both of them, just holding them both protectively. “Then I'm glad he was there, and that we got him out, too.”

“I found out more on what Julian is waiting for, but it can wait until I'm discharged. It should be soon.” She hugged Sean, smiling at him. “Did you learn anything new in school while I was away?”

“We’re learning to grow plants,” Sean shrugged. “And Aiofe is teaching me how to pick pockets!” He declared proudly, obviously more excited about that than plants.

“Is that so? Think she could teach me?” Anya grinned. “I wonder if she knows anything about lock picking.”

“I can ask her. Dad, can I learn lockpicking, too?” Sean asked Henry, eyes wide.

Henry chuckled. “I don't see why not, as long as you--”

“--don't use it for illegal things,” Sean finished, having heard that very often. “I know, I know.”

Anya smiled. “It would've helped me a bit on this last mission.”

“ wouldn't tell me what happened. Are you okay?” Sean asked, quietly.

“I'll be fine. Just know that your dad helped save me and I'm so glad you are here with me… us.” She corrected herself and hugged him again quickly. At that point, a nurse came over to release Anya as her bone regeneration and tissue repair were completed.

She stopped by Loryll's bio bed before they left. “I'll be back later, yadik.” She gave his hand a quick squeeze before turning to Henry and Sean to go to their quarters.


As soon as the kids were in bed, Anya started preparing for bed herself in their room. She had a thousand yard stare in her eyes.

“I can't imagine how you did it.” She turned to Henry. “I…”she sighed, taking a deep breath. “He is horrible.” Anya's eyes looked to the floor as she sat on their bed.

Henry came to sit next to her, putting his arm around her shoulders. “He is.” He agreed, squeezing her comfortingly.

She hugged back. “He… killed the father of a little girl named Iris…” She shuddered. “She was about the same age as when Sean was taken.” Tears rolled down her cheeks. “I kept seeing you when I saw Richard and thanked the stars that it didn't happen to you.” Anya was sobbing in his arms.

Henry held her, rocking her and gently stroking her hair. “I'm sorry. I'm so sorry you had to see that. I’m okay, you’re okay, our kids are okay...” he tried to assure her.

She cried for a few minutes, hugging him. As she settled, she nestled into him as much as she could. “I still don't know how you did it for that long.” She sighed.

“Sean.” Henry replied softly. “I needed to protect him. I would have endured Julian for a hundred years if I’d needed to.”

Anya nodded slowly. “I suppose that is right. I would’ve done the same.” She looked up into his eyes. “Loryll did for 25 years.” She watched his expressions as she added the last sentence.

“...that, more than any other thing you could tell me, convinces me that he really is your father.” Henry responded, slowly.

“He literally saved my life.” She smiled wanly. “Julian quickly learned I would rather die than submit to him. Loryll did the same, except Julian needed him for his plan. I know what he is waiting for now.” She tried relaxing a bit. “He needs a terra forming machine.”

“...why?” Henry asked, plainly confused.

“He wants to terraform a planet that already has life on it. Loryll refused him for years. Julian tried using me to make him submit, but that failed.” She sniffled, wiping her nose on a tissue.

“Remember how I told you we set Julian back a few years? He has to find another scientist that can create and maintain the machine.”

Henry went still. “ that why Loryll’s in such bad condition?” He asked, quietly.

Anya nodded. “Even if he isn't my yadik, I would be proud to have him as mine.” She took a few deep breaths.

“Family,” Henry said, snuggling closer, “doesn't have to be related by blood.”


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