USS Potemkin NCC-76927-C
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Family Reunion

Posted on Fri Sep 27th, 2024 @ 5:35am by Ensign Anya Bagh & Lieutenant JG Ezrin Ezee
Edited on on Fri Sep 27th, 2024 @ 5:37am

1,247 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Joint Logs
Location: Loryll's quarters, USS Thunder Child
Timeline: 77777.7 (Wednesday, October 11th, 2400 at 1500 hours)

Anya chimed the door to Loryll's quarters, glad he was finally able to be out of sickbay. Julian had been overly cruel to him and he had required extra time to heal.

Loryll’s voice called, “who is it?”

“It's me, yadik.” Anya smiled.

“Come in,” Loryll’s voice was significantly warmer.

Anya stepped inside the quarters. They were standard guest quarters, not necessarily remarkable but comfortable nonetheless. She placed a warm blanket on the couch in the living room.

“I thought you might need this. They always keep it cold on this ship.”

“Thank you, but your doctor did provide a light,” Loryll pointed at a large basking lamp set up over the plain gray couch. He looked a lot more comfortable than she had yet seen him, though the scar on his face still twisted his lip into a permanent scowl on one side.

“Ceja is good about that.” Anya smiled. “Are you adjusting ok? I know this is a bit different than the last place you were.”

“It is a bit strange.” Loryll looked around thoughtfully. “It has been so long since I have been safe, I almost wonder if this is a dream.”

“I know what you mean. I felt the same after starting at the Academy.” Anya sat on the couch as she spoke. “It takes a few months.”

Loryll sat down next to her. “I feel I owe you an apology, Ash--Anya. I thought I was sending you somewhere safe.”

“If you want to call me Asha, you can.” She looked to the floor, giving an ironic laugh. “I've always wondered if I was born with this name.” She looked back up at him. “Why was I…” she swallowed nervously. “Why did you send me away?”

Loryll sighed, heavily. “A year or two before you were born, your mother came to me with a project she had been commissioned to complete. A project that was meant to meld the best of the Klingon and Cardassian races, to form the ultimate soldier. A Klingon’s strength and endurance, and a Cardassian’s sense of duty and love of our home. Her preliminary work was promising, but it had a flaw: the work was--and is--illegal. I should have refused. But I could never refuse Kiri anything.” He smiled, a soft, affectionate expression. “When she asked for my help, I agreed immediately, though I knew it could only mean trouble.” He paused for a moment, lost in memory, before he continued. “You were born of Kiri’s brother’s DNA. He was killed in the war with the Klingons some years before. Your surrogate was the Klingon woman responsible for killing my family. It took time; most of the other experiments were failures, we did not wish to make a mistake. It was a personal project for Kiri; you were--and are--her only remaining blood. I should have remained somewhat impartial, but I was as attached as she by then. Your first cries were to us triumph and long-desired daughter all at once.” Loryll finally looked at Anya, his eyes damp. “I tell you this so that you know how greatly you were desired, and how difficult a decision it was to send you away. But the project had been cancelled by then, and the Order was closing on our location. Had they found you yet there, they would have destroyed you, along with the others. Kiri had some contacts within Starfleet, of the type who could keep secrets. They agreed to look after you, and we commissioned Julian to take you there. Our own ships would have been fired upon if we had tried to leave, and we asked not to know where you would be taken. If we did not know, we could not be forced to reveal it. A decision I deeply regret to this day.”

Anya sat with this for a moment. Her mind was racing. “Kiri…. It's a pretty name.” She blinked trying to hold her tears back. “Do you know if she's still alive?”

“She was when I left home.” Loryll responded softly. “I had not wished to bring her into this, so I...” he trailed off, and then shook his head. “I miss her.”

Anya reached for his hand, squeezing it. “We could search for her.” She offered timidly. “Or would that get you in trouble?”

“Not for some time, I'm afraid. I have no interest in leading Julian to her, and I know him well enough to say that he will follow my movements, even if he can no longer control them.” Loryll sighed, heavily.

Anya nodded slowly. “I understand.” She blinked back a tear. “My Henry… he had to make choices like that too.” She half smiled. “He didn't even let on that he had a child for years.” She smiled wistfully.

“Tell me about this Henry of yours.” Loryll requested, looking interested.

“He's kind, gentle, smart… a very good dancer.” She smiled. “He is one of the most devoted fathers I have ever met.”

“I look forward to meeting him.” Loryll replied, smiling. He looked at her with a mixture of eager interest and sorrow. He held her hand back. “Ah, daughter. I have missed so much of your life...”

“You are here for the best parts though. All I ever wanted was a family and to be accepted for me. This crew, I would die for them. They are my family.” She smiled brightly. “The fact that I have you as well now, it makes me the happiest I've ever been. “

“Then, I am glad to be a part of it, and to have found you again. Although, I might have chosen a less painful method.” He added, teasing wryly.

“Me too.” Anya nodded as she looked down at his hands. “What was Kiri like?”

Loryll looked thoughtful. “Driven, stubborn, intolerant of fools, fiercely loyal to family. And quite possibly the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.” He smiled, wistfully.

Anya smiled at him as she debated how to ask the next question. “Were you romantically involved with her then?”

“Against my better judgment, yes.” Loryll admitted. “As I said, I never could refuse her anything.”

“She sounds charming and effective. I like that.” Anya paused, unable to wipe the smile off her face. “Did you have any questions about me?

“Too many to count, although I am not entirely certain I will like the answers. No one becomes as competent as yourself by having an easy childhood.” Loryll responded, a little grimly.

“It was not easy, but I wouldn't be here without it.” Anya shrugged. “I was an angry child, and too strong for most humans to contain. Ms Brunhilde taught me to control the anger and I learned when I could release it.”

“As an instructor, she sounds competent. As a caretaker...” Loryll shrugged. “There is not much I can do about it at this point, except to try to make up for the lost time now. Let me tell you of our family...”

Anya's comm badge chirped

+Warp+ Warp to Bagh. I wouldn't interrupt unless things were dire, but... I'm afraid they are. We really need your assistance, if you think you can join us.

She tapped her comm badge.
“Aye Sir, on my way.” She half smiled at Loryll. “Duty calls. I’ll come back to visit you soon though.”

“Of course. Be safe, and I shall see how well this light works.” Loryll replied, eyeing the basking lamp.


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